
Early one morning last summer, we stumbled upon this elegant, sleek, white bird in the river while crossing a rather lonely, dingy bridge around 5:10 or so. As soon as Doc noticed the bird, he…

太宰メモ – 富嶽百景


安吾メモ (2)

坂口安吾「大阪の反逆—織田作之助の死—」より、安吾メモ (2) として引用文を載せていく。志賀直哉をけちょんけちょんに糾弾している部分。志賀直哉というと「小僧の神様」…


If you’d like to join in on a little theater as I present my strange fascination with leftovers, please strap into your seatbelt and ride with me for a moment. It’s an appreciation not unlike a love affair…

What it is…

There is something about a song. Pick one. Maybe it’s a song that makes you cry. Or a song that fills you with jubiliation. A song you go to when you’re drunk. Or when you want to dance… Or, when you’re wanting to tap into your cerebral side....

Next Project

I’m currently translating Doc’s “The Rubber Band King of Lopatcong” into Japanese. Alongside other translation works we’re putting into English, and that are progressing in tandem, this project is what I feel most passionate about and it is occupying the entirety of my mind at the moment. This might sound weird, but I love…