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Work as ONE global team


Maplopo helps companies uncork trapped value silenced away in language silos. You get a bespoke Japanese language program, a powerful talent magnet, and a team that literally reads from the same page—all in a single system.

Get started

Create competitive edges and unite your multilingual teams

There is no intermediate plateau. And your team does not need another business Japanese course. 

At Maplopo we’ve turned language learning right-side up so your team members can better work together to drive themselves AND the business forward. They’ll elevate their reading and writing skills, becoming better listeners, better coaches, better friends…, better colleagues. We give companies an unfair advantage in the Japan marketplace, and we do it using the most time-tested of all approaches when it comes to internalizing a language—STORY.

Most people are taught to believe the only way to learn Japanese is through brute force—drill more kanji, buy more textbooks, take more standardized tests. We disagree.

STORY unlocks language in the most natural way possible because it connects us to the characters, the culture, the cinema of the written word. When we read and listen to stories, we no longer struggle to remember words, because with story, we live them. And, when we live a language, we use it—and learn to use it well. Season ONE is Daffodil from Dazai Osamu. Join us and unite your multilingual teams.

The Impact

Spot and act upon problems and opportunities early


The ability to proactively shape and reshape the work environment comes from a blend of setting and communicating common values, appropriately allocating resources, developing managers, and bringing disparate operations together as one.


  • Productive, free-flowing communication is fundamental to all high-performing organizations and allows a firm to unearth latent abilities tucked away in English-only and Japanese-only work silos. Maplopo gives you that golden ticket.
  • Ambitious, quick learners want to demonstrate their intelligence, not just possess it. By providing rewards that motivate your people to achieve their goals (and show off a bit), the whole team wins.
  • Teams that talk across the transom, spot and point out hairline fractures before trouble spots become caverns and help business “cross the chasm.” English works. Japanese works. BOTH are best… and, we all know it.
Spot Problems and Opportunities, SP
Spot Problems and Opportunities, SP

Spot and act upon problems and opportunities early


Our ability to proactively shape and reshape the work environment comes from a blend of setting and communicating common values, appropriately allocating resources, developing managers, and bringing disparate operations together as one.


  • Productive, free-flowing communication is fundamental to all high-performing organizations and allows us to unearth latent abilities tucked away in English-only and Japanese-only work silos. Maplopo gives you that golden ticket.
  • Ambitious, quick learners want to demonstrate their intelligence, not just possess it. By providing rewards that motivate your people to achieve their goals (and show off a bit), the whole team wins.
  • Teams that talk across the transom, spot and point out hairline fractures before trouble spots become caverns and help business “cross the chasm.” English works. Japanese works. BOTH are best… and, we all know it.
Close competitiveness gaps and equalize domestic & global trajectories


Glue everything together.


Gain next level performance by fully integrating marketing, product, sales, HR, innovation, service… everything… together. This small step will give you enormous power to close gaps that exist both internally and externally, so you can truly benefit from your efforts to scale.

Pollination Icon

Fuel cross-pollination

Collaboration begins with inclusion. Reading Japan’s master storytellers as a team opens up a channel of conversation that goes beyond the niceties of hallway conversation, and that leads to trust—a catapult to shared experimentation and innovation across the organization.

Collective Intelligence Blue Icon

Develop collective intelligence

Better financial performance and predictive organizational success is what you get when you “markedly change a group’s intelligence […] by changing members or incentives for collaboration,” say researchers Wooley and Malone at MIT. Maplopo’s Big Box o’ Books is collaboration kindling.

Purpose Icon

Leave nothing to chance

Tone. Nuance. Grace. Meaning. A hand-crafted, functional, and engaging learning experience that widens the door to better speech, clearer interactions with peers and colleagues, and provides greater ability to craft Japanese sentences that are, simply, more desirable.

Money Mechanics Icon

Master "money mechanics"

Tie your business and people strategies together with a total rewards solution that doesn’t chew up your resource budget. We’re more affordable and quantifiable than solo lessons, and come with a built-in DEI component that welcomes all team members into the story experience.

Performance Icon

Hit performance standards

Building predictable revenue is a lot easier with all hands on deck—projects sail past discovery toward delivery, disparate units partner in support of the company’s mission, and confidence and trust swell. The result? Customers pay attention, and you lock into steady growth.

Stretch to Achieve Icon

"Stretch to achieve"

Industry leaders and strong teams “stretch to achieve.” Our naturally scaffolded approach to learning intermediate and advanced Japanese engages and motivates learners to push on where they need it most, while also reinforcing prior learning so growth and excellence stick.

Productivity wins


Teams that know and trust one another shoulder risks together. The result? Collaboration in overdrive. And how do stories help? As they have for a millennia…


  • By teaching us how to listen, to empathize, to disagree…, to guide. By instilling confidence in our hearts and the courage to rely on others.
  • By providing us with an emotional richness we can’t find in our favorite business publication and a common language that can propel us beyond all boundaries.
  • By giving us the language we need to communicate our purpose and priorities at work so we can get more done and have more fun doing it at the same time.
Hand Editing, 1080x534 with smoke, KRAKED
Hand Editing, 1080x534 with smoke, KRAKED

Productivity wins


Teams that know and trust one another shoulder risks together. The result? Collaboration in overdrive. And how do stories help? As they have for a millennia…


  • By teaching us how to listen, to empathize, to disagree…, to guide. By instilling confidence in our hearts and the courage to rely on others.
  • By providing us with an emotional richness we can’t find in our favorite business publication, and a common language that can propel us beyond all boundaries.
  • By giving us the language we need to communicate our purpose and priorities at work so we can get more done and have more fun doing it at the same time.
Cross-functional excellence in Japanese Teams

Champion and deliver on cross-functional excellence


Stop downstream value loss caused by fragmentation that’s outlived its usefulness. Better communication begets better alignment and delivers far more value to the customer.


  • Team members gain a natural confidence in their Japanese skills by working asynchronously through engaging reading, writing, and listening exercises.
  • Improvements in communication and the seamless absorption of culture that comes from reading and sharing stories helps team members to see beyond their roles, giving rise to new company-wide capabilities.
  • Drive inclusion and plant the seeds for innovation across the enterprise as technology and operation teams tackle the same story with Maplopo’s Big Box o’ Books.
Cross-functional excellence in Japanese Teams

Champion and deliver on cross-functional excellence


Stop downstream value loss caused by fragmentation that’s outlived its usefulness. Better communication begets better alignment and delivers far more value to the customer.


  • Team members gain a natural confidence in their Japanese skills by working asynchronously through engaging reading, writing, and listening exercises.
  • Improvements in communication and the seamless absorption of culture that comes from reading and sharing stories helps team members to see beyond their roles, giving rise to new company-wide capabilities.
  • Drive inclusion and plant the seeds for innovation across the enterprise as technology and operation teams tackle the same story with Maplopo’s Big Box o’ Books.
Maplopo For Teams Talent and Recruiting

Attract from a narrow talent pool and motivate your high-potential people


Lead with confidence knowing you’re doing everything to secure top talent. Maplopo gives you one of the most in-demand benefits there is—the gift of language.


  • Provide increased mobility to your team and motivate and retain your most dedicated achievers.
  • Brand your recruiting efforts to attract fluency-minded, team-centric professionals.
  • Stellar teams want to “stretch to achieve.” Give your team a way to simultaneously raise the bar on individual and team performance standards.
Maplopo For Teams Talent and Recruiting

Attract from a narrow talent pool and motivate your high-potential people


Lead with confidence knowing you’re doing everything to secure top talent. Maplopo gives you one of the most in-demand benefits there is—the gift of language.


  • Provide increased mobility to your team and motivate and retain your most dedicated achievers.
  • Brand your recruiting efforts to attract fluency-minded, team-centric professionals.
  • Stellar teams want to “stretch to achieve.” Give your team a way to simultaneously raise the bar on individual and team performance standards.

See how Maplopo brings teams up to speed and ready to talk the same language.

Lesson Modules

Problem Sets

STORY—Dazai’s 水仙

Maplopo. Uniting Teams Through the Power of Story.