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A Japanese language program like no other.


Maplopo helps intermediate and advanced learners of Japanese internalize language through the power of story—all in a single learning platform.

Join us in 2025Or, self-study anytime

Immerse yourself in story and push through your learning ceiling

Life opens and closes with story. There is nothing without it.

At Maplopo we take serious learners of Japanese on an educational and storytelling journey like no other. Using an enjoyable, easy-to-digest short story from one of Japan’s most treasured writers, you’ll get input in reading, speaking and listening AND one-on-one guidance and feedback with writing. No special knowledge or extra materials required.

If you’ve had trouble finishing a book written in Japanese, or you’ve finished but felt as though you were still missing something, Maplopo will close that gap for you.

Most people are taught to believe the only way to learn Japanese is through brute force—drill more kanji, buy more textbooks, take more tests. We disagree. STORY is the key. Season ONE is Daffodil from Dazai Osamu. 

The Impact

Learn Japanese naturally and in context


We all know story is one of the most powerful art forms there is—a powerful tool for learning, and a powerful tool for internalizing language.


  • Deepen and broaden your knowledge of vocabulary, structure, and meaning as you interact with the text naturally—one paragraph at a time.
  • Gain from an immersive, blended, modern curriculum built to stimulate your curiosity, enhance the learning you’ve already done, and allow you to build scaffolding around the course so you can keep going with longer, and even more advanced reading.
  • Ambitious, dedicated learners want to demonstrate their intelligence, not just possess it. That’s you. By providing extrinsic rewards that help keep you motivated, you’ll achieve your goals (and, be able to show off a bit).
Learn Japanese in Context Through Story Transparent
Spot Problems and Opportunities, SP

Learn Japanese naturally and in context


We all know story is one of the most powerful art forms there is—a powerful tool for learning, and a powerful tool for internalizing language.


  • Deepen and broaden your knowledge of vocabulary, structure, and meaning as you interact with the text naturally—one paragraph at a time.
  • Gain from an immersive, blended, modern curriculum built to stimulate your curiosity, enhance the learning you’ve already done, and allow you to build scaffolding around the course so you can keep going with longer, and even more advanced reading.
  • Ambitious, dedicated learners want to demonstrate their intelligence, not just possess it. That’s you. By providing extrinsic rewards that help keep you motivated, you’ll achieve your goals (and, be able to show off a bit).
Become a better storyteller by channeling the Masters


What better way to refine your reading and writing skills than with help from one of Japan’s most revered master storytellers, Dazai Osamu?


Improve your ability talk about (and around) your ideas…, learn what interpersonal dialog looks like at levels you’re not exposed to on a daily basis…, and steep yourself in the culture and rhythm of Japanese.


How does humor work on the page? How does a scolding play out? How can we better understand our friends, our colleagues, our loved ones… ourselves… in Japanese? It’s all there for the taking on the pages of short stories, and 水仙 is a wonderful palette.

Japanese Vocabulary Icon

Develop discourse competence

“Acquisition happens as a by-product of comprehension,” says second language scholar Bill VanPatten*, and when engaged in the communicative context of STORY, we reach gallantly for it. This striving to comprehend, helps us nurture implicit learning systems responsible for continual growth. Reading is a key to excellence.

Japanese Online Course 247 Icon

Plug in when the time is right

We’re all busy. Fitting language learning in between life and work means juggling is your second profession. That’s why everything at Maplopo is available whenever and wherever you need it. Everything—all online, accessible on every device, and in digestible, bite-sized chunks for all schedules.

Untangle Japanese Grammar Icon

Get clarity on difficult grammar

Unearth the structure and nuance of Japanese with 10 hours of our hallmark video spotlights and apply that knowledge immediately. We don’t just show you how it’s done, we show you why it’s done. We’re proud of our videos—they’re a big reason those fluent in Japanese consistently tell us “I wished I’d learned Japanese like this!”

Internalize Japanese Icon

Internalize the language

Think in the language, AND about the language. When a guide takes you beyond the boundaries of descriptive instruction and into representational language, you discover patterns and opportunities everywhere: in sound, in grammar, in rhythm, in thought. The result? A deeper understanding, and more mastery. That’s Maplopo.

Japanese Pronunciation Icon

Amplify your listening skills

Use the language spontaneously and effortlessly when you pair reading and listening using our custom audio resources—structure and pacing sheets, Anki decks, drill packs, and…, the full 水仙 audiobook. Dialog & prose, all professionally recorded in native Japanese so you can shadow to your heart’s content.

Unlearn Unhelpful Japanese Language Habits

"Unlearn" what holds you back

Turn your Japanese right-side up with conjugation modules and grammar instruction that eliminates, forever, the dependency on rote memorization. Gain insight and understanding into how the language moves, and walk away with pragmatic competence that will aid you in becoming a more effective communicator.

One place for everything you need


50 different ways to learn. Whether you’re a solo-flyer and love to cozy up to an Anki deck on a quiet afternoon, or the type who enjoys the camaraderie of a group and would prefer to interact with all of us on the private Discord server. Either way, we’ve got you covered.


  • Auditory learner? You’ll love the reams of audio material we have waiting for you in Thinkific.
  • Dig visuals? Stylish video tutorials are designed to meet your learning style—they’re also jam packed with logical diagrams and anecdotes that’ll help lessons stick.
  • Fan of the kinaesthetic and want to boost production? Sharpen that pencil, because we’ve got you covered as well. The workbook and writing lessons are designed for you.
Maplopo Schoolhouse For Individuals Everything in One Place with Daffodil
Hand Editing, 1080x534 with smoke, KRAKED

One place for everything you need


50 different ways to learn. Whether you’re a solo-flyer and love to cozy up to an Anki deck on a quiet afternoon, or the type who enjoys the camaraderie of a group and would prefer to interact with all of us, and shine on the private Discord server. Either way, we’ve got you covered.


  • Auditory learner? You’ll love the reams of audio material we have waiting for you in Thinkific.
  • Dig visuals? Our stylish video tutorials are designed to meet your learning style—they’re also jam packed with logical diagrams and anecdotes that’ll help lessons stick.
  • Fan of the kinaesthetic and want to boost production? Sharpen that pencil, because we’ve got you covered as well. The workbook and writing lessons are designed for you.
Maplopo Testimonials

See how Maplopo helps other learners achieve their goals

Irene, Language Services Vendor (Italy)

Her background: localizer and translator of English and Japanese into Italian. Has a Japanese spouse.

Why she enrolled now: wants to improve fluency to better communicate with her extended Japanese family, and bring in additional Japanese client work

More from Irene in her own words: “Thank you so much for your advice, Doc and Reiko! I’m also excited to say that I’ve just handed in my very first technical translation work from Japanese for a big client! I don’t think I could have done it without Maplopo, as lately my confidence in my skills has been steadily increasing thanks to you guys and the program.”

Irene Headshot


Anne, ESL Teacher and founder of BSD Bibliophile (U.S.A.)

Her background: self taught over the last few years

Why she enrolled now: wants to understand more Japanese so she can translate short stories

More from Anne in her own words: “It’s been an eye-opening experience for me that I’m sure will help me be a better teacher as well. I feel lucky to have such talented and dedicated teachers like Doc and Reiko to learn from.”

Anne at BSD Headshot




Jason, JPN-ENG media translator (U.S.A.)

His background: Translator and editor of pop culture media: anime, comics, games, light novels. Mostly self-taught after learning the basics in high school, so his Japanese skills have some gaps.

Why he enrolled now: wants to ease back into more formal Japanese practice and study.

More from Jason in his own words
: “I want to get more comfortable with speaking and writing Japanese to move overseas and work in-house within a couple of years. Big fan of literature, especially in translation. Jumped at the chance to join this course when I saw it in my inbox.”

Maple Leaf Transparent

Tomoko Jo, Career and Employment Specialist (U.S.A.)

Her background: Japanese language instructor with a Masters in Adult and Continuing Education

Tomoko’s thoughts on the program: “I am impressed by your materials, especially the Dazai worksheet where you break down sentences into 文節. I was a 国語の先生 long time ago, and your worksheet reminded me of how Japanese natives learn about 文節 in 7th grade.

So, I think your approach is 理にかなっている. Recognizing 文節 is challenging yet critical for Japanese language learners, and it was a nice surprise to see your worksheet explaining it so well in English—which is not even easy for Japanese natives. Also, I am a big fan of Dazai, and I am sure your program will be helpful for Japanese language learners.”

Tomoko Jo headshot




Alanna, Language Specialist (U.S.A.)

Her background: learned Japanese in college

Why she enrolled now: wants to maintain a proficiency, but hasn’t tested or seriously studied since Covid

More from Alanna in her own words: “Jumped at the chance to learn from translators… once my skills get there, I want to live and work in Japan as an interpreter or translator. I’m excited to learn not only more Japanese, but also what guides translation into English, and how the English translation is chosen.”
Maple Leaf Transparent

Karmen, JET Programme English Teacher (Japan)

Her background: learning Japanese on and off for some years. Moved to Japan in 2020.

Why she enrolled now: for self-improvement and partially to motivate herslf to get the N2

More from Karmen in her own words: “I breezed through the N3 but I don’t know if I can take on the N2 without studying—I use almost zero Japanese at work because my school’s pretty international. Daily conversation and even some deeper topics are okay, but reading is definitely my weakness and Dazai seems like such a cool way to start, so thanks for offering this product!”
Maple Leaf Transparent

Alex Priimak, Literary Critic and Media Translator (Japan)

Her background: Dazai scholar and YouTube channel host

Why she joined us now: always looking to get more educated…

More from Alex in her own words: “I kept thinking how amazing it would have been for me to have an opportunity to study Japanese like this right from the start. . . . Let me just say that from the material I’ve seen so far, you’ve done brilliant work, very detailed, everything easy to understand and with all types of learning! . . . Really hope to see this project grow into a big school :)”

Aleksandra Priimak headshot



Maplopo Testimonials

See how Maplopo helps other learners achieve their goals

Irene, Language Services Vendor (Italy)

Her background: localizer and translator of English and Japanese into Italian. Has a Japanese spouse.

Why she enrolled now: wants to improve fluency to better communicate with her extended Japanese family, and bring in additional Japanese client work

More from Irene in her own words: “Thank you so much for your advice, Doc and Reiko! I’m also excited to say that I’ve just handed in my very first technical translation work from Japanese for a big client! I don’t think I could have done it without Maplopo, as lately my confidence in my skills has been steadily increasing thanks to you guys and the program.”

Irene Headshot


Anne, ESL Teacher and founder of BSD Bibliophile (U.S.A.)

Her background: self taught over the last few years

Why she enrolled now: wants to understand more Japanese so she can translate short stories

More from Anne in her own words: “It’s been an eye-opening experience for me that I’m sure will help me be a better teacher as well. I feel lucky to have such talented and dedicated teachers like Doc and Reiko to learn from.”

Anne at BSD Headshot




Jason, JPN-ENG media translator (U.S.A.)

His background: Translator and editor of pop culture media: anime, comics, games, light novels. Mostly self-taught after learning the basics in high school, so his Japanese skills have some gaps.

Why he enrolled now: wants to ease back into more formal Japanese practice and study.

More from Jason in his own words
: “I want to get more comfortable with speaking and writing Japanese to move overseas and work in-house within a couple of years. Big fan of literature, especially in translation. Jumped at the chance to join this course when I saw it in my inbox.”

Maple Leaf Transparent

Tomoko Jo, Career and Employment Specialist (U.S.A.)

Her background: Japanese language instructor with a Masters in Adult and Continuing Education

Tomoko’s thoughts on the program: “I am impressed by your materials, especially the Dazai worksheet where you break down sentences into 文節. I was a 国語の先生 long time ago, and your worksheet reminded me of how Japanese natives learn about 文節 in 7th grade.

So, I think your approach is 理にかなっている. Recognizing 文節 is challenging yet critical for Japanese language learners, and it was a nice surprise to see your worksheet explaining it so well in English—which is not even easy for Japanese natives. Also, I am a big fan of Dazai, and I am sure your program will be helpful for Japanese language learners.”

Tomoko Jo headshot




Alanna, Language Specialist (U.S.A.)

Her background: learned Japanese in college

Why she enrolled now: wants to maintain a proficiency, but hasn’t tested or seriously studied since Covid

More from Alanna in her own words: “Jumped at the chance to learn from translators… once my skills get there, I want to live and work in Japan as an interpreter or translator. I’m excited to learn not only more Japanese, but also what guides translation into English, and how the English translation is chosen.”
Maple Leaf Transparent

Karmen, JET Programme English Teacher (Japan)

Her background: learning Japanese on and off for some years. Moved to Japan in 2020.

Why she enrolled now: for self-improvement and partially to motivate herslf to get the N2

More from Karmen in her own words: “I breezed through the N3 but I don’t know if I can take on the N2 without studying—I use almost zero Japanese at work because my school’s pretty international. Daily conversation and even some deeper topics are okay, but reading is definitely my weakness and Dazai seems like such a cool way to start, so thanks for offering this product!”
Maple Leaf Transparent

Alex Priimak, Literary Critic and Media Translator (Japan)

Her background: Dazai scholar and YouTube channel host

Why she joined us now: always looking to get more educated…

More from Alex in her own words: “I kept thinking how amazing it would have been for me to have an opportunity to study Japanese like this right from the start. . . . Let me just say that from the material I’ve seen so far, you’ve done brilliant work, very detailed, everything easy to understand and with all types of learning! . . . Really hope to see this project grow into a big school :)”

Aleksandra Priimak headshot



Maplopo For Teams Talent and Recruiting

Demonstrate your commitment to Japanese and close in on your goals


Plan your career with confidence knowing you’re doing everything you can do to make yourself stand out. Maplopo gives you another way to do that—in one of the most rigorous, respected, and enjoyable Japanese learning programs on the planet.


  • Increase your salary by branding yourself as a fluency-minded, team-centric professional and appeal to recruiters and hiring managers focused on hiring multilingual talent. 
  • Develop greater cultural awareness and sensitivities that will enhance your overall efforts at mastering nuanced situational and functional language… even when you think you’ve already got that down pat.
  • Push through personal boundaries and reverse periods of stagnant learning with the most overlooked and thorough of learning tools—STORY.

*VanPatten, Making Communicative Language Happen, 2003, p. 26

Maplopo For Teams Talent and Recruiting

Demonstrate your commitment to Japanese and close in on your goals


Plan your career with confidence knowing you’re doing everything you can do to make yourself stand out. Maplopo gives you another way to do that—in one of the most rigorous, respected, and enjoyable Japanese learning programs on the planet.


  • Increase your salary by branding yourself as a fluency-minded, team-centric professional and appeal to recruiters and hiring managers focused on hiring multilingual talent.
  • Develop greater cultural awareness and sensitivities that will enhance your overall efforts at mastering nuanced situational and functional language… even when you think you’ve already got that down pat.
  • Push through personal boundaries and reverse periods of stagnant learning with the most overlooked and thorough of learning tools—STORY.

*VanPatten, Making Communicative Language Happen, 2003, p. 26

Maplopo makes learning fun, rewarding, and keeps your love for Japanese intact.

Lesson Modules

Problem Sets

STORY—Dazai’s 水仙

Maplopo. Experience a lifetime of learning.