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Frequently Asked Questions

Updated: January 12, 2025

How much is tuition?

The effect of partner scholarships, completion bonuses (cash-back rebates), and our relative purchasing power parity program can have a significant impact on your enrollment cost; each are described in full on the tuition page. Please be sure to visit to get an accurate estimate of your tuition cost. 

What does tuition include? For one, lifetime access to all program material within our online platform including all future updates to the course. Additionally, while enrolled in the course, tuition covers: email access to your instructor (who will personally review and provide feedback for all work submitted), as well as access to the five live group sessions at the tail end of the program.

We also include multiple perks for those who join us, including “forever access” to the Guests of Maplopo program, complimentary access to frequent 日本語の会話, special mentor guest visits, etc.

Do you offer payment plans?

We do, yes.

Maplopo offers a three-tiered payment plan designed to accommodate the changing availability of both individual and company budgets. There is no penalty for breaking up a tuition payment, and no bonus for paying early, or in full. Simply submit in the way that works best for you. For more specific information regarding due dates and the like, visit our tuition page.

What is your refund policy?

Because we offer extensive opportunities to test out the course with video material on YouTube, numerous worksheets on the site as well as on LinkedIn, and the Maplopo podcast) there are no refunds offered once you enroll in any given Maplopo session. If you’re not yet sure of whether or not Maplopo is right for you, please check out these materials first.

Additionally, Maplopo is designed for busy professionals, and modular in nature. This means you can never really fall behind if you keep at it, and so refunds become unneccessary. If you miss a week, simply skip ahead to the next week and begin anew there. Unlike in a traditional classroom, nothing we cover is so compounding in nature that you’d ever feel lost, or behind.

Also, should you need to take a break from your learning, we’ll carry your enrollment over to another scheduled session for a period up to two years. Pretty hard to beat that.

When are the live sessions held?

Live calls are most frequently held on Fri., Sat., or Sun., and usually in the early morning between 7am and 9am, or late afternoon/early evening between 3pm and 6pm.

We always hold a Rallly.co poll to find the best times for everyone, and consistently accommodate distant time zones in Europe, Asia, and America on a single call without issue. Essentially, times are very flexible, and we bend accordingly.

In what currency are your prices?

We’re committed to keeping tuition affordable for all learners regardless of residency. As such, tuition is first set in USD, but then adjusted using a relative purchasing power model that re-establishes the pricing for your location. For more insight into this arrangement as well as other opportunities to reduce your enrollment cost, visit our tuition page.

Do you offer discounts or free trials?

For individuals:

At this time we do not offer any discounts or free trials. On certain occasions, we may create a special offer exclusively available through one of our partners, but only in such instances do we make exceptions.

If you are a college or university student (or, high school student) currently enrolled in Japanese classes (or have taken classes as recently as a semester prior to enrolling with us), please refer your favorite professor to our Maplopo Partners page.

There, they can reach out to enquire about our Educators program which offers a completion bonus to students who finish the course. All students meeting the requirements of enrollment in coursework at any accredited college or university anywhere in the world are eligible for the program. High school educators and students are also welcome.

For teams: 

We are interested in developing relationships with firms interested in empowering the growth of their employees, and are willing to do so at rates that are affordable to make that happen at scale. If that sounds like you, please reach out.


What payment methods do you offer?

We interface with Stripe for all payments, so we accept all the major ones: American Express, China UnionPay (CUP), Discover & Diners, Japan Credit Bureau (JCB), Mastercard and Visa, Alipay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link, WeChat Pay, Bancontact (Belgium), EPS (Austria), giropay (Germany), iDEAL (the Netherlands), Przelewy24 (Poland), etc.

Who is Maplopo for?

First, Maplopo is for readers. We attract learners who love to read all sorts of material…, from manga and magazines, to poetry, literature, contemporary fiction, and non-fiction. At the core of what we do is help students learn the language through story. So… our biggest audience is those who love story.

When it comes to the specifics of language, we find Maplopo works best for intermediate and advanced learners of Japanese; those learners of the language who have a firm grasp of grammar, but need and want more—and in that same set of students—those who recognize they want structure that helps them understand the language in a fashion they cannot find in a classroom.

Some learners we work with have set personal goals to pass the JLPT and may have already passed the N3 or the N2… sometimes, the N1. But, many more students have never taken the exam and are studying Japanese with different personal and professional goals in mind. Most learners tell us they join because they believe their Japanese has become a bit stagnant—a particularly true concern for those who live outside Japan and are several years removed from a collegiate experience.

Translators and aspiring translators of Japanese often join us… largely because they want to learn more about the art and craft of translating. Those students want to tap into one of the most unique parts of Maplopo… our work as translators. Uniquely, in 2024 and again in 2025, we welcomed American high school Japanese language teachers who enroll with us to further hone their own Japanese and so they can soak up interesting angles of learning, pedagogy, and tech.

Learners living in Japan join us to refresh or build upon a near fluency they feel could use improvement. They find communicating at work and around town fairly routine, but often just that. These learners come to us to grasp more deeply what the language is about… the nuance of grammar expressions they may only know on the surface, and to add depth and breadth to their vocabulary.

Maplopo learners also come to us from around the world, in all age groups and with many different personal interests and drivers. We’ve welcomed students from America, China, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, The Netherlands and Vietnam… from where do you hail?!

Is everything in the course available immediately?

Some things are, and some things aren’t.

Our spring, fall and summer sessions run just as if you were in an in-person classroom. Meaning, we cover the material week-by-week for the entire 10-weeks of the program. As such, learners work through the program as they would a typical college or university cohort. However, the entire program is accessible in a way that allows learners to skip around if they wish. The nature of our StoryTeaching™ methodology, however, focuses on keeping folks on the weekly course so they can be guaranteed to finish if they put in the right amount of effort to do so.

Live sessions are obviously not available until, well… until they occur.

English is not my native language, can I still enroll?

If you can read in English, and understand spoken American English, you should be in good shape. Our videos and worksheet materials do have spoken and written Japanese, but the entire course prior to week thirteen is taught in English. Each of our videos is also manually subtitled in English.

We have non-native English speakers from Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, Spain and Vietnam in Maplopo who have all performed as well (and often better!) than those who grew up speaking English as a first language.  The trick is having a good grasp of English and the desire to learn.

I'm busy. Do I have to finish the course by a certain point?

While you do have forever-access to the course, Maplopo programs run on a 10-week track to ensure all students learn as much as  possible and complete the course successfully.

We’ve designed our programming with a host of pedagogical practices in mind, and we move you forward in a way that helps you feel excited about your progress so you complete the course on time, and so your learning sticks. That said, life does get in the way of progress sometimes, and because of that, your access to the course is yours. Should you get too busy to complete a session, we can move you to a future session within a two-year window so you can complete the program at that time. After that two year window has elapsed you would need to re-enroll IF you wished to join a cohort. Access to the course remains yours, however, and you can continue to learn at your own pace for as long as you’d like.

If I have questions during the course, where can I ask for help?

If questions pop up, we are in the private Discord server to help you every day of the week. We also hold office hours to address specific questions, and other students are always on hand to help with questions in the course discussion area. Of course, we’re always reachable privately via email as well.

Additionally, we personally review every learner’s worksheets (50 in all) and writing assignments (15 for public sessions and 10 for self-paced learners), and we hold seven live group sessions (5 for self-paced learners).

Nowhere else will you find this sort of opportunity to engage with Japanese literature translators and language teachers at this sort of price point. Nowhere.

I'm taking Japanese in school...

If you’re currently enrolled in Japanese language classes (or, have completed your language studies within a semester prior to enrolling with Maplopo), you may be eligible to enroll under our education partner program.

The partner program for educators and students offers a completion bonus to any student enrolled at an accredited college or university anywhere in the world who completes all requisite coursework for the entire course within one year and with an overall achievement score of 80% or better.

Visit the Maplopo Partners page for more information if you are an educator, or if you are a student, have your favorite faculty member, teacher, or language lab manager reach out to us from using the form on that page. High school educators and students are also welcome!

How hard/easy is this?

Ah… is it difficult? Is it easy?

Language learning is, of course, what you make of it. We consider Maplopo to be appropriately challenging. We’ve packed a lot of learning into the course and provide a lot of tools to help you learn no matter your learning style. You get to work as hard as you want to work.

As an intermediate or advanced learner, you will find some things are easier than others, and some things are more difficult than others. It all depends on you, your prior exposure to the language, and how much you want to push yourself even when you think you already know something.

For example, we cover a number of grammar points that might seem, at the outset, familiar to you. Yet we explain them in ways you have likely not heard…, we provide nuanced examples you certainly have never heard or seen…, and we test your knowledge within our learning platform and in the workbooks in ways that push your understanding beyond where we know it likely is (given that you’re an intermediate to advanced learner of the language).

We do so by including vocabulary you likely do not know, conjugations that will help boost your understanding of grammar, and reviews of what you have already learned with us. And it’s all done within the context of a story written by one of Japan’s master storytellers.

This course is not you being fed made up situational stories to teach you Japanese… this is you diving into the experience of masterful stories written by Japan’s most respected authors… and you learning Japanese in context with us, and… in a way, with that master at your side.

Do I need to buy anything else to succeed with the program?

We recommend you purchase the Anki mobile app so you can fully leverage our Japanese Anki decks and practice your listening and vocabulary on the go. You’ll also need access to a printer. Other than that, If you consider yourself to be in possession of intermediate level Japanese, you’ll likely have everything you need. Namely: motivation, time, and… again, access to a good Japanese dictionary.

Can I access the course on any device?

Yep. We use Thinkific as our course platform, and it supports all modern devices. We also have an app! Here is the breakdown:


Microsoft Edge


iOS Safari: 11 and up
Samsung Internet


NOTE: Internet Explorer is NOT supported.

Will this help me pass the JLPT?

Probably! It has helped learners pass the test in the past. However, Maplopo is not, nor will it ever be, designed to help you pass a language proficiency test.

As stated, some of our students have taken (or are preparing to take) the JLPT or the U.S. military’s DLPT, but our philosophy is that while tests can be excellent markers of progress, they are—as an end-point—not the best marker of one’s learning, nor are they much fun to prepare for.

Learning a language in the context of a story so you can enjoy that story AND learn some more of the language is what we want to help you do in Maplopo.

Is there furigana? Is there romaji?

Great question.


Nope. Although (!) we do find it can absolutely be beneficial when it comes to fostering very early phonetic skills (and the research bears this out, so, it’s not as evil as you may have been told).


We do include furigana to help you read antiquated kanji (which you will definitely encounter in these stories). We also use it sparingly in other aspects of the lessons when we feel it will be helpful.

When we first designed Season One: 水仙 from Dazai Osamu, we included furigana on nearly all kanji in the first 15 episodes, but eased up on it beyond that point. If kanji is a weakness of yours, however, these additions might be quite helpful in the long run.

We don’t want you reaching for a dictionary every other word, but we also don’t want you to be too coddled with the furigana either. Students tell us we’ve struck a good balance between the two in a manner that supports learning while also allowing for the enjoyment of simply reading.

The original story text in Japanese is provided with both furigana and without furigana, so you can really test your skills if you wish!


Are the audio recordings done by native speakers?

Yes, indeed.

All the audio is professionally recorded by Doc (born and raised in America, speaking American English) and Reiko (born and raised in Japan, speaking native Japanese). You can hear us in motion on our Season ONE Maplopo YouTube channel, as well as on the Maplopo podcast if you want to give us a test run. If you want an even better taste of things, sign up for the complimentary Maplopo Course Preview. We are 100% people-powered here at Maplopo and always will be.