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Dead-simple Japanese Conjugation Tables

Finally Conjugate on the Fly


Japanese has some of the most straightforward conjugation you could possibly imagine; the way it’s taught, though, is a complete mess. Turn your understanding of conjugation right-side up with our intuitive conjugation modules and sail through to clearer thinking in Japanese.

Learn how to conjugate in your sleep (almost).

Frankenstein-like appendages no more.

One of the biggest obstacles for early Japanese language learners is making sense of conjugation.

Of course, intermediate and advanced learners also share in these struggles, and most of us get a sense for how oddly we’ve been taught when we ask our Japanese friends for help. Haven’t experienced this yet? Give it a shot. Ask a Japanese friend how to untangle one of those so-called ru-verbs, or u-verbs and be prepared for the blank stare to follow. て-form? た-form? Um…?

Mary Shelley did not write Japanese grammar books for a living, but with the way Japanese grammar is often taught, she does appear to have been an inspirational force.

Most Japanese language learning has been historically designed to get learners up and running fast—attach this to that, gulp down more than your fair share of abstract conjugation rules, memorize a million exceptions to those very rules, and then drill, drill, drill. It is a recipe for mediocrity.

Of course, we shalt not ignore those with unmitigated gobs of motivation, superior study skills, superb habit-making chops, and perhaps access to a saint of a teacher who teaches with verve, and beyond the textbook. We all know such folks, either online, or in person—they went from zero Japanese to masterful practitioners in what feels like one fell swoop. Sadly, their talents are not possessed by all, and part of the way Japanese is taught is part of the reason it is most difficult for most learners.

Because, even IF the average learner can manage the hefty intellectual weight of remembering all the conjugation “rules” set out for us, and we have all the study time necessary to cement that stuff to memory, we still inevitably hit a massive wall when it comes exhibiting any real degree of literacy. Japanese language learners, and even long-term residents of Japan, who never made it past the second textbook, who know a “few hundred kanji,” who meekly say they can write their name and address in Japanese are legion. I know because I am (for now) one of them. How many people do you know who say they “get by?” That they “know enough?” That they “tried, but couldn’t?” Far too many, right? That story does not have to be your story. And, if it is now, it does not have to remain that way. I am famously “Student #1” at Maplopo. You can change your game as well.


With our first language, we soaked up the “rules” of grammar rather naturally; this too is possible with Japanese. One key to getting there is to slow down. To go backwards, even… to correct, and unlearn bad methodologies. Using Frankenstein-like shortcuts to learn Japanese is silly. ESPECIALLY, when there are better (more natural) shortcuts that make sense every day of the week.

At Maplopo, we teach Japanese conjugation the way it’s taught to those who grow up with the language; we use naturally flowing conjugation tables, occasionally bending the visuals to make things even more clear. Everything is taught in English, and we address just about every why you could possibly dream up so you are never confused… never left behind. And, because everything is recorded and taught in bite-sized chunks, your self-study journey will allow to learn as time permits.

Next to our grammar video modules, our conjugation modules are among our learners’ most favorite things. We hear this from beginner learners as well as full-fledged Japanese language translators. These conjugation modules will turn on numerous lightbulbs and clear away tons of mud.

Give the videos on this page a spin. They’re mashups, but they’ll show you want you’re in for when you learn with us.

Let’s leave Frankenstein to Abbott & Costello why don’t we? We have some real learning to do, no?

—Doc Kane
Co-founder and COO, Maplopo
October 17, 2023

Frankenstein-like appendages no more.

One of the biggest obstacles for early Japanese language learners is making sense of conjugation.

Of course, intermediate and advanced learners also share in these struggles, and most really get a sense for how oddly they’ve been taught when they ask their Japanese friends for help. Haven’t experienced this yet? Ask a Japanese friend about so-called ru-verbs, or u-verbs and be prepared for the blank stare to follow.

Ru-verb? U-verb? What are those? Add -tte… add, i, or is it い? Eh? What the what?

Mary Shelley did not write Japanese grammar books for a living, but with the way Japanese grammar is taught in nearly all instances, you’d think somehow she served as inspiration.

The trouble is, most Japanese language learning has been historically designed to get learners up and running fast. And, sometimes that works. If you’re motivated, a quick read, and blessed with a saint of a teacher who can teach in the margins, you can absolutely learn basic functional Japanese by memorizing the need to to attach this to that, swallowing more than your fair share of abstract conjugation rules, and drilling patterns forever like when you learned how to spell as a ten year old. When all is said and done, congratulations… you can now buy things at the 7-Eleven. Or, pass the JLPT. Wonderful. Or, not.

The trouble with this sort of teaching is it sets learners up to fail. Over, and over, and over again.

IF beginners can manage the hefty intellectual weight of remembering all the conjugation “rules” set out for them, they still inevitably hit a massive wall when it comes to reading and writing. Or, simply moving forward with their learning. Japanese learners who never make it past textbook, #2, or a “few hundred kanji” are legion. How many people do you know who say they “get by?” That they “know enough.” That they “tried, but couldn’t.” That does not have to be you.

With our first language, we soaked up the “rules” of grammar rather naturally. This IS also possible when learning Japanese as a second, or third, or fourth language. The key to proper learning is to slow down your learning.

Measure twice, cut once.

Master the slow dribble first, then worry about passing the basketball between your legs.

Barbeque is always better slow and low. So, is language learning. Using Frankenstein-like shortcuts to learn Japanese is silly. ESPECIALLY, when there are better more natural shortcuts that WILL make sense every day of the week, and without the need to memorize more than the same conjugation map everyone learns in Japan.

At Maplopo, we teach Japanese conjugation the way it is taught to those who grow up with the language; we use naturally flowing conjugation tables, and occasionally bend the visuals to make things even more clear. Everything is taught in English, and we address just about every why you could possibly dream up so you are never confused… never left behind. And, because everything is recorded and taught in bite-sized chunks you can learn on the fly as well as you self-study your way to more natural Japanese.

Along with our grammar modules, our conjugation modules are among our learners’ most favorite things, and we have beginning learners as well as full-fledged Japanese translators telling us they have turned on numerous lightbulbs, and cleared away tonnes of mud.

Give the videos on this page a spin. They’re mashups, but they’ll show you want you’re in for when you learn with us.

Let’s leave Frankenstein to Abbott & Costello why don’t we? We have some real learning to do, right?